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Vegetable Puffs | Kid Friendly Recipe

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Vegetable puff is something which is very easy to prepare. I do this quite often when there are parties or potluck with my friends where we need to prepare some dishes specific for kids. We can stuff with whatever vegetables we want inside this. This dish is definitely a no-no for diet conscious people as the puff pastry has a lot of oil inside it. I don’t use the puff pastry thin sheet, instead I use the puff pastry block as it gives me the flexibility to roll it into the shape I want.

Now a days we get these puff pastries in many shops and I am sure it must be available in your place too.If not do drop a comment below this post so that other readers near your place can give an info on this.
You can see some pictures with small fingers in this post and it is none other than my little one helping me in preparing this dish.

Here goes the recipe.

Vegetable Puff

Defrost Time: 3 hrs| Preparation Time :20 mins
Cooking time : 30 min | Yields : 6

Vegetables finely chopped –3/4 cup
Onion – ½ cup
Sambar powder – 1 ½ tsp
Turmeric – 1/3 tsp
Curry leaves – few
Coriander – 1 tblsp
Oil – to brush –  2 spoons
Puff pastry block – 150 gms
Cumin seeds – ½ tsp
Wheat flour – for rolling the pastry

1 tsp = 5ml
1 tblsp – 15 ml
1 cup = 250 ml

1.       Defrost the puff pastry block for 3 hrs.
For the stuffing
2.       Add oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. Let is fry

3.       Add onion and saute for 2 mins.

4.       Add vegetables, salt, turmeric, sambar powder, curry leaves and let it cook.

5.       Garnish with coriander and allow it to cool completely.

6.       Take the puff block. Add wheat flour to roll the pastry. I generally use my granite kitchen top as I make the puffs in bulk and now I am more comfortable even if I make it in small quantities.

7.       Roll the pastry like how we do it for chapatti flipping them often. Sprinkle the flour whenever you find it difficult. The flour will be absorbed easily as puff pastry has lot of oil inside it.

8.       Divide the puff pastry into equal portions.

9.       Add the curry and leave half of the puff sheet empty so that it can be closed.

10.   Close the puff pastry and stick the corners by using a fork.

11.   Brush with oil.

12.   Pre heat oven for 180c deg for 5 mins and place the puffs in the oven.
13.   After 15 mins check if one side is cooked. Generally the bottom side is cooked faster in this dish.

14.   Flip around and bake it for another 10 mins.  It took me around 25 mins for this dish. Cool them in a wire rack.

  • Once the baking is complete you may wish to brush with little milk.
  • You may prepare this dish and put them in refrigerator or freezer. The cooking time will vary in that case.
  • The cooking duration varies based on the size and thickness of the dish.
  • Reduce the salt little less than usual as some puff pastries have little salt added to it. Check the contents.
  • Mix and match with vegetable of your choice.
  • You need not brush with oil while flipping.

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